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Dental Surgery: Treatment of Jaw and Tooth Disorders

Oral surgery primarily focuses on the surgical treatment of jawbone and dental misalignments, as well as injuries and conditions within the oral and dental region. Implantology, jaw surgery, and augmentation techniques such as sinus lifts, bone condensing, or bone transplantation, along with the associated soft tissue procedures, are just a few of the available procedures. The objective is to achieve aesthetic and long-term stable restoration with implants, aiming to enhance or restore both the visual appearance and functionality.

To achieve optimal treatment outcomes, having the right dental surgical instruments is essential. We offer a wide range of products for surgical dental instruments:

  • Scalpel handle: for one or two scalpel blades and micro-scalpel blades, available in various shapes.
  • Scalpel blade remover: for the safe removal of the blade.
  • Scalpel blades: standard, micro, and bendable micro-scalpel blades.
  • Surgical suction cannulas: with and without perforations, for blood, saliva, and bone material.
  • dev-aspir suction system: suction device with filter for aspirated material.
  • Syringes: water syringes, pressure syringes, cylinder ampoule syringes.
  • Scissors: various sizes, shapes, and materials (SuperCut, TC, WC, etc.).
  • Micro scissors: specifically for minimally invasive surgery.
  • Forceps: anatomical, surgical, atraumatic micro forceps, universal grip forceps, tissue, vascular, suture, and membrane forceps.
  • Artery forceps: for grasping and holding blood vessels.
  • Swab and grain forceps: for grasping dressing materials and foreign bodies.
  • Towel clips: fixation of surgical drapes.
  • Wound hooks: to facilitate access to the wound, cheek retractors, lip retractors, tongue retractors.
  • Mouth retractors: occlusal aids for mouth retraction during treatment – more relaxed for the patient and dentist.
  • Cheek and tongue retractor with suction: "three-in-one" instrument, suction, protection, and retraction.
  • Photo mirrors: for photographic documentation in the oral area.
  • Bone curettes: for curettage and removal of cysts and scraping of the alveolus.
  • Sharp spoons: to scrape away tissue growths or excavate bone cavities.
  • Bone files: harvesting bone material and smoothing bone irregularities.
  • Raspatories: to detach soft tissue and periosteum from bone.
  • Socket Preservation Set
  • Needle holder: micro-needle holders for various thread sizes, various handles.
  • Soft tissue and bone forceps: removing bone prominences and excess soft tissue.
  • Flap Design Set. Hollow chisel pliers: for protruding bone remnants and removing larger tissue parts.
  • Bone splinter pliers: for cutting root and bone splinters.
  • Sinus lift elevators: elevators for sinus lift, rigid, flexible, and yielding.
  • Sinus lift curettes: for internal sinus lift, available in both rigid and yielding.
  • Bone chisels: for splitting the jawbone.
  • Flat chisels: for opening / expanding the jawbone (after using a diamond disc or bone mill).
  • Bone Spreading Set
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