Regeneration of the Periodontium: Periodontal Surgery and Recession Treatment
Periodontal surgery, also known as recession treatment, aims to regenerate the periodontium, particularly in cases of soft tissue defects such as gum recession, partial exposure of tooth roots, or damaged bone. In addition to addressing health concerns and functional rehabilitation—such as treating painful exposed tooth necks, preventing root caries, or correcting soft tissue recessions often associated with bone loss—recession treatment is also performed for aesthetic reasons. Depending on the type of defect and the desired treatment goals, various therapy options are available, including gingivectomy, gingivoplasty, flap surgeries, resective furcation therapy, guided tissue regeneration, recession coverage, and tunneling. For periodontal surgery, you can order numerous high-quality instruments directly from the manufacturer at the devemed Dental Shop. Our selection includes instruments such as gingivectomy knives, mucosal flap elevators, tissue graft packers, raspatories, or micro-scalpel blades of the finest quality.