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ZALEX - Minimal-traumatic tooth length extraction

ZALEX® by Dr. Helke is a minimal-traumatic extraction system that optimally utilizes force transmission along the longitudinal axis of the tooth. As a result, only minimal luxation and rotation movements are required. During tooth extraction, primarily tilting, rotating, and pulling movements and forces are applied. 

The ZALEX® method amplifies all three forces using levers, whereas in the conventional method, only tilting and rotating forces are used. The loosening of the tooth occurs mainly with "vertical" pulling forces and only minimal tilting forces (in contrast, conventional tooth extractions are dominated by tilting or rotating forces). The application of tilting forces, due to the methodology, leads to uneven expansion of the bony tooth socket. By primarily using pulling forces with the ZALEX® extraction system, the loosening of the tooth occurs through the separation of all supporting fibers without stretching the tooth socket.

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