GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #13 | Lower jaw | Biscuspids | F-LINE
The GES-LINE KIDS EDITION has been specifically designed for children's teeth. With its small forceps mouth, it perfectly fits a child's teeth and enables a secure grip during extraction.Dental forceps #13For extraction in the lower jaw3.0 mmPremolars
Product number:
1301-13 F
Only 9 available
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #22 | Lower jaw | Molars | F-LINE
The GES-LINE Kids-Extract is a forceps specifically designed for children's teeth. Thanks to its small forceps mouth, it has the perfect size for a child's teeth.Tooth forceps #22Suitable for extraction in the lower jaw4.0 mmMolars
Product number:
1301-22 F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #29 | Upper jaw | Incisors and cuspids | F-LINE
The GES-LINE Kids Extract was specially developed for children's teeth. Due to their small pincer mouth, they adapt optimally to a child's teeth.Extracting forceps #29 Upper jawIncisors and cuspids
Product number:
1301-29 F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #33 | Lower jaw | Incisors and cuspids | F-LINE
The GES-LINE Kids Extract was specifically designed for children's teeth. With its small pincer mouth, it adapts perfectly to a child's teeth.Extracting forceps #33Lower jawIncisors and cuspids
Product number:
1301-33 F
Only 7 available
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #51 | Upper jaw | Molars | F-LINE
The GES Kids-Extract is a pair of forceps specially designed for children's teeth. Thanks to its small mouth, it adapts perfectly to a child's teeth.Extracting forceps #51Upper jaw Molars3.0 mm
Product number:
1301-51 F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Extracting forceps #52 | Upper jaw | Molars | F-LINE
The GES Kids Extract was specifically designed for children's teeth. With its small pincer mouth, it adapts perfectly to a child's teeth.Extracting forceps #52Upper jawMolars
Product number:
1301-52 F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Milk tooth forceps #580 | F-LINE
For extraction of loose deciduous teeth. Milk tooth forceps #580F-LINE PLAIN SURFACE Design
Working end 4.8 mm145 mm length
Product number:
1301-80P F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS | Milk tooth forceps #582 | F-LINE
The forceps are suitable for extracting loose milk teeth. Milk tooth forceps # 582Working end 4.8 mm145 mm lengthF-LINE PLAIN SURFACE
Product number:
1301-82P F
GENTLE EXTRACT SYSTEM | KIDS EDITION | Extracting forceps #7 | Upper jaw | Biscuspids | F-LINE
The GES Kids-Extract is a pair of forceps specially designed for children's teeth. Thanks to its small forceps mouth, it adapts optimally to a child's teeth.
Extracting forceps #7Upper jawBiscuspids
Product number:
1301-07 F
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #101AS | Teeth | universal
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we present a specialized instrument for children's teeth. Due to the small mouth of the forceps, it optimally adapts to the size of children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a check handle and are suitable for treatment in the maxillary region. With longitudinal serrations. 155 mm
Product number:
600-101 AS
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #101AS | Teeth | universal
The Kids-Extract dental forceps are specially designed for children's teeth. Thanks to the small mouth of the forceps, it adapts optimally to the size of children's teeth. The pliers have a fit handle and are suitable for use on the upper jaw. 155 mm
Product number:
600-101 ASP
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #137 "Klein" | Incisors and cuspids
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we provide a special instrument for children's teeth. The small mouth of the forceps makes them ideally suited to children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a check handle and are suitable for treatment of the upper jaw or incisors and canines.
Product number:
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #139 "Klein" | Biscuspids
The Kids-Extract dental forceps were developed specifically for children's teeth. Thanks to its small mouth, it adapts optimally to the size of children's teeth. The forceps have a check handle and are suitable for treatment of the maxillary region or premolars. With longitudinal serrations. 115 mm
Product number:
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #13S | Biscuspids
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we offer a special instrument for children's teeth. The small mouth of the forceps makes them ideally suited to children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a check handle and are suitable for treatment of the mandible or premolars. With longitudinal serrations. 130 mm
Product number:
500-13 S
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #150AS | Teeth | universal
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we provide a special instrument for children's teeth. The small mouth of the forceps makes them ideally suited to children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a check handle and are suitable for treatment on the upper jaw. With longitudinal serrations. 150 mm
Product number:
600-150 AS
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #150S "Cryer" | Teeth and roots | universal
The Kids-Extract dental forceps "Cryer" was developed specifically for children's teeth. Thanks to its small mouth, it adapts optimally to the size of children's teeth. The forceps have a check handle and are suitable for treatment on the upper jaw. With longitudinal serrations. 155 mm
Product number:
600-150 S
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #150SK | Teeth and roots | universal
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we offer a special instrument for children's teeth. Due to the small mouth of the forceps, it adapts ideally to children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a check handle and are suitable for treatments on the lower jaw.
Product number:
645-150 SK
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #150SK | Teeth and roots | universal
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we offer a special instrument for children's teeth. Due to the small mouth of the forceps, it adapts ideally to children's teeth. The forceps are equipped with a fit handle and are suitable for treatments on the upper jaw. 125 mm
Product number:
645-150 SKP
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #151AS | Teeth universal
The Kids-Extract dental forceps were specially developed for children's teeth. Thanks to the small mouth of the forceps, it can be perfectly adapted to the size of children's teeth. The forceps has a check handle and is suitable for use on the lower jaw. With elongated grip. 150 mm
Product number:
600-151 AS
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #151S | Teeth and roots | universal
With the Kids-Extract dental forceps, we present a specialized instrument for children's teeth. Due to the small mouth of the forceps, it optimally adapts to the size of children's teeth. The forceps is equipped with a check handle and is suitable for treatment in the mandibular region. With longitudinal serrations. 145 mm
Product number:
600-151 S
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #151SK | Teeth and roots | universal
The Kids-Extract dental forceps were specially developed for children's teeth. Thanks to the small mouth of the forceps, it can be perfectly adapted to the size of children's teeth. The forceps has a check handle and is suitable for use on the upper jaw. With longitudinal serrations. 125 mm
Product number:
645-151 SK
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #151SK | Teeth and roots | universal
The Kids-Extract dental forceps were developed specifically for children's teeth. Thanks to its small mouth, it adapts perfectly to the size of children's teeth. The pliers have a checkered handle and are suitable for treatment on the lower jaw. 120mm
Product number:
645-151 SKP
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #17SK | Molars
The Kids-Extract dental forceps are specially designed for children's teeth. Thanks to the small mouth of the forceps, it adapts optimally to the size of children's teeth. The forceps have a checkered handle and are suitable for use on the lower jaw or molars.With longitudinal serrations. 120 mm
Product number:
645-17 SK
KIDS-EXTRACT | Extracting forceps #22S | Molars
The Kids-Extract dental forceps were specially developed for children's teeth. Thanks to the small mouth of the forceps, it can be perfectly adapted to the size of children's teeth. The pliers have a checkered handle and are suitable for use on the lower jaw or molars. With longitudinal serrations. 130 mm
Product number:
500-22 S
Extraction forceps for children's teeth
In the devemed product portfolio, you will find a wide range of extraction forceps for children's teeth. They feature smaller forceps jaws and handles, allowing for optimal insertion into children's jaws and enabling the practitioner to grasp children's teeth effectively.
You can choose between forceps with an ergonomic contour grip or the classic square grip. Depending on the forceps shape, they can be used for the upper or lower jaw.