EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #1 | Incisors and cuspids
The 400 forceps is equipped with a short check handle, which is light and handy.With cross grooves for better gripLength: 160 mmIncisors and cuspids3.2.1|1.2.3.Upper jaw
Product number:
400-1 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #1 | Incisors and cuspids | Diamond coating
The 400 series has a short check handle. It is light and handy with a diamond finish. Length: 160 mmFor the following teeth: 3.2.1|1.2.3.Extracting forceps #1Incisors and cuspidsDiamond coatingUpper jaw
Product number:
400-1 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #13 | Biscuspids
The 400 series features a short check handle, designed to be light and handy. With cross grooves.150 mm5.4|4.5Biscuspids Lower jaw
Product number:
400-13 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #13 | Biscuspids | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short caro handle, the 400 extracting forceps is light and handy and has diamond coated working ends.Length: 150 mm5.4|4.5.Biscuspids Lower jaw
Product number:
400-13 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #17 | Molars, right
The 400 series is equipped with a short check handle that is light and handy.Cross grooves at the working end for better gripLength: 165 mmMolars, right 7.6|Upper jaw
Product number:
400-17 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #17 | Molars, right | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 extraction forceps is light and handy.With diamond coating of the working endsLength: 165 mmMolars, right7.6.|Upper jaw
Product number:
400-17 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #18 | Molars, left
The 400 series features a short check handle, designed to be light and handy.With transverse groovesLength: 165 mm|6.7.Molars, left Upper jaw
Product number:
400-18 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #18 | Molars, left | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 series is light and handy.Molars, leftDiamond coating of the working endsLength 165 mm |6.7.Upper jaw
Product number:
400-18 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #2 | Incisors and cuspids
The 400 extracting forceps is equipped with a short check handle that is light and easy to handle.Cross grooves160 mmIncisors and cuspids 3.2.1|1.2.3.Upper jaw
Product number:
400-2 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #2 | Incisors and cuspids | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 extracting forceps is light and handy. It has a diamond coating on the working end.Length: 160 mmIncisors and cuspids3.2.1|1.2.3.Upper jaw
Product number:
400-2 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #22 | Molars
The 400 forceps is equipped with a short check handle that is light and handy. Cross grooves at the working ends140 mm7.6|6.7For molarsLower jaw
Product number:
400-22 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #22 | Molars | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 extraction forceps is light and handy.Diamnond-coated working endsLength: 140 mmTeeth: 7.6|6.7For molarsLower jaw
Product number:
400-22 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #29 | Roots
The 400 forceps is equipped with a short check handle, which is light and handy.With cross groovesFor the rootsUpper jaw
Product number:
400-29 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #29 | Roots | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 series is light and handy.Diamond coating of working ends for best gripLength: 165 mmFor the rootsUpper jaw
Product number:
400-29 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #33A | Roots
The 400 extracting forceps features a short check handle, designed to be light and handy.With cross groovesLength: 150 mmRootsLower jaw
Product number:
400-33 AH
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #33A | Roots | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 extracting forceps is light and handy.Diamond finish of the working endsLength: 150 mmLower jaw
Product number:
400-33 AD
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #51A | Roots
The 400 series features a short check handle, designed to be light and handy.With cross groovesLength: 175 mmExtracting forceps #51ARoots Upper jaw
Product number:
400-51 AH
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #51A | Roots | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 forceps is light and handy.Diamond coating of the working ends175 mmUpper jaw
Product number:
400-51 AD
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #67 | Third molars
The 400 series is equipped with a short check handle, which is light and handy.Cross grooves175 mm8.|8.Third molarsUpper jaw
Product number:
400-67 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #67 | Third molars | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 forceps is light and handy.Diamond mouth175 mmFor teeth: 8.|8.Third molarsUpper jaw
Product number:
400-67 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #7 | Biscuspids
The 400 extracting forceps features a short check handle, designed to be light and handy.With cross grooves160 mmBiscuspids 5.4|4.5Upper jaw
Product number:
400-7 H
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #7 | Biscuspids | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 forceps is light and handy.Diamond coating of the working endsLength: 160 mmBiscuspids 5.4|4.5Upper jaw
Product number:
400-7 D
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #73 | Molars
The 400 series is equipped with a short check handle, which is light and handy.Cross grooves150 mm7.6|6.7MolarsLower jaw
Product number:
400-73 H
Only 7 available
EXTRACT 400 | Extracting forceps #73 | Molars | Diamond coating
Equipped with a short check handle, the 400 forceps is light and handy for best grip during the extraction.Diamond working endsLength: 150 mm7.6|6.7MolarsLower jaw
Product number:
400-73 D
Extraction forceps 400 series
The extraction forceps of the 400 series feature the classic square handle - which is short for the 400 forceps. The forceps are particularly lightweight due to the short handle, providing a comfortable and secure grip.
The dental forceps are available in various sizes and shapes to offer the optimal forceps for each treatment. They are available with cross-hatching or diamond patterns. The 400 series forceps are designed for extractions both in the lower jaw and upper jaw.